Thanks for stopping by for this week’s Style Scouting. My Sunday post where I share the random stuff that captured my attention or inspired me that I found online.
Hello! Happy Sunday. Did you remember to turn your clocks ahead? It is hard to lose an hour today, but will be nice that it won’t be as dark in the evening.
As I am writing this post, I am sitting out on my lakeside deck. At times a forceful breeze is blowing by and the temp is 76 degrees.
I have shorts on and a t-shirt soaking in some Vitamin D on my winter clothes covered skin. It feels wonderful and when the wind stops, it feels almost like summertime.
So much so I have the windows and doors open in the house to let in fresh air… which is also helping rid the fresh paint smell after 3 days of working on removing the popcorn ceiling in my bedroom. The project is done now and the freshly white painted ceiling has brightened up the room just in time for spring.
Both Ed and I can’t get over how much brighter and fresher the 4 rooms where the popcorn was removed now look. If you have popcorn ceilings that you don’t like. I can tell you first hand, it is an inexpensive project to do and worth the time and mess.
This upcoming week I will be posting about a few new projects that I want to start now that the ceilings are all done.
Now onto the links I found for you this week.
Posts You May Have Missed This Week:
Cleaning & Organizing
The healthiest way to clean your house. (open in same tab)
These are the cutest dinner rolls that will have everyone wanting to know how you made them. (open in same tab)
These delicious and easy Easter cookies. YUM! (open in same tab)
Make this for lunch or even a delicious snack. (open in same tab)
Bagged Produce Buying Tip: If you buy bagged lettuce or salad, check the date and grab the bag that is the flattest. When the greens are packaged, all of the air is sucked out of the bag. As the greens age, they give off gas, making the bag puffier. The flatter the bag the fresher the greens and the longer they will last in your fridge without going bad.
Oh… So Stylish Finds
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